11/4 Essay: We have five reading/watching slots left on our schedule. I’m looking to replace one that’s there now I think is on the weaker side (Thursday 11/18) and I want your help. What topic haven’t we discussed (or will discuss) within the realm of data science and/or human development that you would like covered and discussed in class? Is there a particular video or reading you are aware of that you like or think is valuable that you want the rest of the class to see/read? Briefly explain your thoughts and provide a link, if applicable. I will read your responses later today. You have until 10:05.
I think that a reading regarding more of the more novelty/technological applications of data science could be very interesting. Perhaps a reading with ties ins to how data has affected the global economy and spread of information allowing for more human development and growth. For example, I briefly skimmed this article about self driving cars and found the application of machine learning and data science techniques to be very understandable and fascinating. Obviously, some of the newest technologies at the forefront of innovation don’t immediately apply to nations still looking for security, sustainable housing etc., but it could also be argued that innovation like this improves data science as a whole and opens more possibilities for human development. An added benefit to self driving cars especially is that they could be far more efficient than humans can be and save many lives.
Stemming from the idea of technological data science that’s less related to human development is business analytics, even further from human development. There doesn’t seem to be any major humanitarian sides of data science in business as it seems to be used primarily for marketing, but nonetheless I am intrigued by major companies using data science in advertisement targeting and how consumers can be mapped. I am curious as to how great of an extent data science plays in marketing and efficieny within the context of corporations. For example, I would guess a big company like Coca-cola or Pepsi would use data science to figure out how sweet people like their soda and target it to the most appropriate audience. Is there a curve or trend to the amount of sugar the average person enjoys? Do different regions tend to like certain flavors or sweetnesses more? Does amazon really know what we are going to buy before we buy it? These are just immediate thoughts about how data science with advertising and business could work. It seems to me though that such practices must certainly be prevalent.